The Art in Graphic Design: What to Know About Graphic Designers

Design highly stems from creativity and this might be a common thing that designers of all types would share. Whether they would be from the fashion industry, or they are more knowledgeable in the field of programming and web creation, creativity is still something that is necessary in their line of work. 

Graphic designers are no different. They utilize their own learned and natural knowledge in creativity in art in order to visualize and eventually create the designs that we all come across with one way or another. Given that graphic design is made possible with the help of technology, it could also be done by hand and it caters to different kinds of media, whether online or offline. With the flexibility in such a career, what exactly can graphic designers do?

What can graphic designers do?

Graphic designers can produce designs for a lot of things, depending on the demands of the clients and company they are working for as well as the projects they are working with. To name a few of responsibilities that they can shoulder, it could include the following:

  • Creating logos for brands and businesses
  • Editing and retouching photos
  • Designing product packaging
  • Generating layouts for user interface in applications and websites
  • Making rough illustrations for different advertisements or any informative and promotional documents such as brochures and magazines
  • Producing collaterals to support marketing campaigns
  • Review designs and redo the errors before publishing

Their scope of work depends on the people that they are working with; may it be clients themselves or the company and creative team that graphic designers are working for so it could vary from time to time.

Graphic designers are also more than just their creativity. They could also be seen as visual storytellers with the way they work to create an image that represents and holds meaning. Their designs do not just revolve solely around the aesthetics, but could also evoke a deeper reaction with the thought that goes into it before the finished products. They are more than just creative people.

On another note, it is also nothing new for graphic designers to work with other graphic designers, or anyone related to their field of work. These people could be art directors, copywriters, digital marketing specialists, multimedia animators, programmers, and web developers. Again, it really depends on the project that they are given and the people that would ensure the great quality of the outcome. So if you are planning to be a graphic designer or it ever came into your choices of careers, you better keep your social skills in check!

What are the job positions graphic designers can fulfill?

Along with the extensive coverage of their skills, graphic designers have a lot of jobs they can apply for with their expertise. Here are a handful of choices that you can consider pursuing if you wish to thrive through the graphic designing field according to Career Explorer:

  • Creative Director 
  • Art Director
  • Art Production Manager
  • Package Designer
  • Brand Identity Developer
  • Visual Image Developer
  • Visual Journalist
  • Broadcast Designer
  • Logo Designer
  • Interface Designer
  • Web Designer
  • Multimedia Developer
  • Content Developer

(See more details at Career Explorer.)

Where do graphic designers work?

Considering that graphic design is a career that could be really flexible in tasks and responsibilities, those who have such a career have quite a list of places that they can work for. This also depends on the type of work that they want to have: whether in-house, through an agency, or freelance.

In-house designers are those who prefer to work within a company and restrict their designs within the necessary creative materials that their company needs. They are usually the type of people who enjoy a feel of a “traditional” workplace as they get to work with a team and in a company’s office. It is also easier for these designers to indulge with the company’s own brand and target market since they would be working solely for one company.

Agency designers are those who are under specific companies that provide actual designs and creative materials for different clients. They often work on a project-to-project basis with the graphic design companies as it is easier to find projects through companies who function according to their purpose. Workload is not as consistent in this type of setting because the graphic design companies are the ones disseminating it where they think would produce the best quality of work. Because of this, schedules are also a bit wobbly as they try to reach their deadlines.

Freelance designers are self-employed and usually function on their own accord. They usually do a work-from-home setup and they manage their own schedule and workload. Freelancing is usually for those people who consider themselves disciplined enough to maintain both workload and everything else ranging from personal marketing, finances, and other aspects concerning their work.

Graphic designers who wish to work in-house, however, can find employment under these types of companies: 

  • Ad agencies
  • Marketing firms
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Print and online publishers
  • Web design firms

It is obviously up to the designers whether or not they would choose to work under or with a group of people. Being a freelance graphic artist is also an option that is widely preferred in today’s time given the huge threat the recent global pandemic has caused among people and especially businesses. Where they would work does not necessarily take away their hard-earned skills and knowledge in their field, however, they should choose the environment that they would most exclusively thrive in as graphic designers.

What to expect in a life as a graphic designer?

A usual day in the life of a graphic designer can include the following in the list of things according to Coursera:

  • Allot a time to focus on forming concepts for the design.
  • Applying changes and updating designs based on client or superior feedback.
  • Meet with stakeholders and clients to discuss the current project.
  • Try out the most suitable software that will fit the project.
  • Cut off connection with people and start designing.

Prohibiting social connection does sound a little funny and a bit straightforward, but it is true in working as a designer in general. It does not mean going on for the whole working period or until the project is done without connection with other people. Creative juices do not necessarily arrive right away and when they do, it is better not to waste time getting distracted by constant messaging and calls from people. Graphic designers need their time to produce high quality designs, and best believe that the time spent waiting on your graphic designer friends would definitely not go in vain.

While the list of things may differ depending if the graphic designer is included in a company or not, those who have such a career may or may not have experienced these things in order to do their work. Freelance graphic designers are usually more flexible when it comes to their schedules as they are often working amongst themselves and their clients, but communication for the project that they are working on is still needed in order to do the work right.


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