When young people between 18 and 30 are involved in politics and decision-making, they often don’t get a chance, even though they make up more than half of the population in many places. Getting people to believe in them is hard because they don’t know how to vote or make changes in their communities. Many young people get bored and dissatisfied with the way things are when they don’t have a lot of educational or job options.
Today, young people need a real chance to get involved in politics and help make things better for the world. When young people are allowed to organize, express their thoughts, and participate in political decision-making, they often show they want and can make positive, long-term changes. They are also more likely to demand and protect democracy and have a greater sense of identity.
“Even if you are a minority of one, the Truth is the Truth.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
Furthermore, the truth remains even if you are in the minority. “What role does a young person’s voice have in society?” Gandhi said. Understanding the social, developmental, and psychological components of adult behavior is crucial. Allowing and appreciating young people’s ideas and views is beneficial to their personal and social development. Young people should be encouraged to participate in making choices that influence their future. This is why the young, especially those in politics, play such a crucial role. Politics is a component of the government that has decision-making and executive powers. Youth participation in politics has undoubtedly increased in recent years. Political parties are being pushed to respond to young voters’ growing voting power and their natural potential to develop new leaders who serve the people and improve the community.
Improving Participation: Four Implications of Youth Political Participation
The political ideas have been changed and updated to make them more offensive to the young, who now have the most power. To change the social environment, young people have the most ability because they have to inherit their parents’ will and focus on things that will help humanity grow in both number and awareness so that they can do the most. Young people are getting more involved in campaigns for their communities and other political activities. Politics may transform the world if young people pursue it actively and give it purpose. People who get engaged in pursuits other than politics may be able to alter the world through politics.
What’s next: Why should young people be involved in politics and its benefits?
From political to civic engagement: Youth participation in politics leads to political engagement, which is more than just politics because it can include community service activities like health, education, and charitable work. Getting involved in politics is a more focused way to be a citizen. You can vote, protest politics, or sign petitions about specific issues.
Better Citizens: Teenagers and young adults who are politically engaged in their communities are more likely to become active citizens and voters from a young age. One of the most accepted techniques to improve “young” citizenship is to engage in political activity.
Break the social order: In dictatorship countries, the new ideas and leadership of the younger generation may contribute to the defeat of authoritarian practices. Protests led by young leaders can force authoritarian leaders to renounce power, allowing these teenagers to participate in official decision-making.
Youth for Youth: The world’s young people face many different problems. Many people don’t notice these problems. Because the child would be able to understand better other young people, the best way to improve this younger generation would be through politics, a tool used to take action for growth.
Youth are increasingly developing ideas and determining which cultural beliefs are good to humanity and which are destructive. Knowledge has always played an essential role in the course of human history, particularly now in the information age. However, the internet and mass media are not the only locations where millennials may express their political opinions. More and more young people are becoming strong champions of topics and activities they feel are critical to world healing and progress. The young can be the change they desire to see by assuming collective responsibility. One strategy is youthful pervasiveness, which occurs when the collective’s popular ideas and culture are dependent on the mainstream’s popular culture. Advocating for diverse concerns helps the whole population gain new information and opportunities, making the world a better place.
Why should youth participate in politics?
The world’s political forces may develop new policies, systems, and norms that encourage young people to be more involved in politics. A few times a year, a group of young people becomes leaders who make the world awe and surprise with their charm, knowledge, and dedication to their cause. Young people can run for government and be in charge of making laws, regulations, and policies that will help the whole world. When it comes to educating, empowering, and voting for the change they want to see in the world; the young are the most influential people to help.
“…Youth voice is crucial to the overall effectiveness of service- learning programs. Youth voice has a tremendous impact on program participation and program outcomes, both short term and long term.”
— Education Commission of the States
In any role they play, young people have their ideas and are excited about the changes. It can only happen if society backs up the young people who want to change the world. The youth must be able to use their minds. Candidates from different educational backgrounds may be able to have a significant impact on the economy if they are nominated for political office. To serve and lead their country to a more sustainable future, their desire to serve must be more important than other things. A lot of good comes from young people getting involved in politics. Despite their political power, many young people are ignored. Poverty, educational problems, discrimination, and limited job opportunities are issues that today’s youth face. Many teenagers are now being used as political thugs in many places. A political weapon will almost certainly be used on socially poor kids. If a country doesn’t get involved in politics, its future is in danger. The fact that young people are interested in politics gives us hope for authentic political leadership and stability.
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